I read an article the other day that suggested a few simple things that you can do to make yourself happier. One of them was to “count your blessings”. Literally! I’ve heard it before too that if, each day, you write down three things that are positive in your life it can improve your general outlook. So…
1. I am very fortunate to have a wonderful, supportive group of friends.
2. I love where I’m living. City centre life is great and my apartment is awesome (so too is my flatmate).
3. Well, look outside! How could you not smile with that heaving yellow ball beating its warmth down upon us. Yay!
That’s it. A short little post to bring me back to blogging.
Today’s video blog in which I moan about signing on for the social welfare, rant about a moron and look forward to Jay and Silent Bob and Danny Elfman.
My first day and a half visiting Phil in Belfast was awesome. I debated, I walked a lot, I was surprised, I met a Doctor, I bounced around the nerd heaven that was the Heroes and LEGENDS (not Villains, as I say in the video) exhibition in W5 at the Odyssey and I saw the Titanic’s birth place.
Here’s me with Colin Baker. Thank you so much to the wonderful Phil for bringing me along.
Just a quick update before I head up to Belfast for a few days to see my boyfriend. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to update the vlog over the next couple of days but I’ll try. Anyone know of any good video editing apps for the iPhone?
I also talk about being broke and some of the things I would like to do (and will do) when I’m back working and have money again.
Who wants to have a debate with me? I want to talk about religion and abortion, the environment and gay marriage, aliens and euthanasia. I have opinions…honest!
In today’s update, I talk about The Voice of Ireland, the heartbreaking series finale of Raw, the rugby, selling my apartment, my iphone, John Green, Fantastic Mr Fox and…tea.
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