Feb 14 2012
Let’s Have A Debate
Who wants to have a debate with me? I want to talk about religion and abortion, the environment and gay marriage, aliens and euthanasia. I have opinions…honest!
Argue with me in the comments below or on Twitter @DarrenByrne.
[..YouTube..] Kinda off-topic: Your voice sounds a little higher that normal in this video.
[..YouTube..] Um, aliens…pro-choice…homophobia…religion…smokers/non-smokers….bullying…..movies influencing violence…your views pretty much tie in with my own, so dunno what i could really debate with you on! Oh and yes, creationists are ridiculous and the thought of a certain Mrs Palin (a famous example) being at one time possibly becoming the second-most-powerful person on earth is a still terrifying thought (shudders).
What about the existence of Nessie? (i’m clutching at straws here lol)
[..YouTube..] I disagree with you on every point you have made
[..YouTube..] Yeeeep…pretty sure I agree with almost everything here.
[..YouTube..] @TheChrisD Well, I didn’t think that until you pointed it out. :-/
[..YouTube..] Well, I didn’t think that until you pointed it out. :-/
[..YouTube..] @TheMysteriousMrEmnus Nessie exists; I’ve seen her. Or maybe that was yer ma. 😀
[..YouTube..] Nessie exists; I’ve seen her. Or maybe that was yer ma. 😀
[..YouTube..] @craven99 Fair point, but…eh…you’re wrong.
[..YouTube..] Fair point, but…eh…you’re wrong.
[..YouTube..] @TheSonicScrew Good man. You come from good stock.
[..YouTube..] Good man. You come from good stock.
[..YouTube..] @Valmont2007 – lol, but no, i don’t believe in Nessie. So debate that!!! 😀
[..YouTube..] – lol, but no, i don’t believe in Nessie. So debate that!!! 😀
[..YouTube..] Putting this in my favorites, if only I could do that a hundred times. I pretty much agree with you on everything, except the environment. I’m not one of those tree huggers who is totally green, but I do believe (and this could be because I live in Michigan and we’ve had made a total of 2 inches of snow this winter) that we are messing with the planet in terrible ways, and we shouldn’t take it so for granted.
[..YouTube..] @meggers1992 Megan, a huge part of me just disagrees with the assertion that we should go out of our way to preserve or save the planet for future generations. I’m fine with a reasonable level of social environmentalism and recycling, simply because it makes financial sense, but to spend so much time and effort into ‘green campaigns’, ‘green communities’, ‘green initiatives’ and into living ‘green lives’ is just irritating to me.
(thanks for the comment) 🙂
[..YouTube..] Megan, a huge part of me just disagrees with the assertion that we should go out of our way to preserve or save the planet for future generations. I’m fine with a reasonable level of social environmentalism and recycling, simply because it makes financial sense, but to spend so much time and effort into ‘green campaigns’, ‘green communities’, ‘green initiatives’ and into living ‘green lives’ is just irritating to me.
(thanks for the comment) 🙂
[..YouTube..] Umm think I just responded with a video.
[..YouTube..] I disagree with your assertion regarding abortion and I am eager to dialogue accordingly – with you or anyone else here who holds to pro-choice convictions. Please ‘post a channel comment’ (on my channel) if possible.
[..YouTube..] I agree with you on everything except the hunting of animals for sport. I think it is an archaic and didgusting pasttime of the rich who seem to have nothing better to do than murder. MURDER I TELL YOU!!