Mar 13 2009
Oh, by the way, if you’re looking for me, I’ll be hiding over here for a while. is a Pop Culture website where I’ll be talking movies mostly. Stick your head in, have a look around, if you like what you see, leave a comment or two.
“Blogger, writer, movie buff and all round nice guy.”
all round nice guy?
no. your an ass.
have a nice day
Darren, thanks for your message on my blog… I’m having a look around yours now. I need some escape from the doom & gloom!
Take care & keep reading, Shane
Darren, you’re studying accountancy… what qualification? ACCA, CIMA, AAT ??? Who are you studying with?
I know a little of these things… that’s why I ask. Shane.
Ps: I changed my name so as you don’t have the ‘h’ word plastered all over your site.
@Dermot And you Sir, are a cheap dirty whore! Ha!
@Shane Don’t you dare censor yourself. Use whatever name you like, really. And I’m studying ACCA at the mo. Not sure if I’ll stick with it. It’s not really anything I’m interested in anymore. My life has taken a new direction over the past year or so.
I may be able to help you with free study aids. CD roms, text books, revision kit, etc. They’re not stolen, they would be returns that would otherwisebe thrown away or pulped.
I have a good friend who runs the warehouse of an accountancy/publishing company and he should be able to put some returns aside.
Let me know and well see what we can do.
best wishes, Shane.
Darren, I was wondering what the site is built with? I’m trying to put together a site and want to use a content management system rather than wordpress, which I’m familiar with because I need to allow circa 8 users to blog/maintain a page. Blacknight offer Joomla, drupal and and typo3 but I don’t know the relative merits of each, or whether a beefed up wordpress would suit better. Is a wordpress installation? Looks lovely!
@Shane Thank you very much for the offer. Very much appreciated. As I say, I’m not sure if I’ll be sticking with it. I’ll be making a decision in the next few weeks. I’m just not that interested anymore.
@Ronan Cheers. It’s not bad for an amateur. The site is built on WordPress and has about 35 authors. After just over a week, everything seems to be easy to manage. We’ll see how it goes, going forward.
If you do decide to use WordPress (and I would happily recommend it) there are a few plugins I can suggest to make user management more effective and life a hell of a lot easier. Let me know if I can help out in any way.
Also, I’ve used joomla briefly and didn’t particularly like it. I didn’t give it a lot of time though.