Feb 04 2009

Wednesday Backslappery

Published by at 3:14 pm under Blog

Some total moron in the Cavan Post decided to let Maxi Cane loose on its unsuspecting readership. God help Cavan.

click for larger image

Cavan Fever

Maxi, congratulations on going into the print media. You deserve it, boy.


In other backslappery this week, Damien Obama has embraced the Blogosphere. Go say hello to the young man.


Speaking of young men, Dermot is new to the blogging thing too – give him some encouragement.


And, though not new, it is new to me – Batteries Feel Included – it’s one of the most bizarre blogs I’ve come across and I’m addicted. Click back through the categories or just start on the Sex Shed post. 🙂


Speaking of sex, I found this blog via Maxi’s comments. It’s also new and could be, eh, interesting…



7 responses so far

7 Responses to “Wednesday Backslappery”

  1. Lottieon 04 Feb 2009 at 3:33 pm

    Backslappery is my word of the day.

  2. PaddyInEnglandon 04 Feb 2009 at 7:17 pm

    The Cavan post, great stuff. What the fuck brought him down there? I reckon he got chased out of Dublin by neighbours with torches of fire, Simpsons style.

    And are you Damien Obama?

  3. Joon 04 Feb 2009 at 7:53 pm

    Nice work Darren.

    That group/sex blog is much more interesting than the blogpound, isn’t it 🙂 Cool!

  4. Maxi Caneon 05 Feb 2009 at 1:53 am

    Long story, what brought me to this part of the country.

    I’ll cry if I have to relive it.

  5. Darrenon 05 Feb 2009 at 8:31 am

    @Lottie Cabinet!

    @Paddy Nope – despite the fact that I was going to change my name to Damien O’Bama, it’s not me. I did meet him for a drink last tonight though. Nice fellow! 🙂

    @Jo Not sure I’d go that far, but I’ll be interested to see where it goes.

    @Maxi Go on – cry!

  6. Jennyon 05 Feb 2009 at 8:01 pm

    Thanks for sending a few people our way Darren! Hope you like what we’re doing over there.

  7. Darrenon 06 Feb 2009 at 12:53 pm

    @Jenny Nay bother. One of the more surprising blogs I’ve found on my travels. Best of luck. Thanks for the comment.

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