Archive for January 19th, 2009

Jan 19 2009

Hello Blogland

Published by under Blog,TV

I guess I’m back properly now. I have a few posts planned and half written, I have caught up with most of my ‘regular’ reads and am making headways into other stuff. I’m still missing New York, but I’m dealing with it one day at a time.

New York's Manhatan Bridge

So, what have I missed? Anyone have any interesting or exciting news?

Maybury informs me that Tony Hart has passed away. That’s a sad loss – he was a big part of my childhood television viewing.

So many people are thrilled to herald the innauguration of Barack Obama. It’s a hugely important moment not just for America, but for the world. I’m looking forward to hearing his speech – his victory speech in November was truly awe inspiring.

The Internet’s Ben Kenealy was not always so cool and suave. Once upon a time, he was a Young Scientist Competition nerd. 🙂

Grandad's Book

Look, look, look, Grandad’s book is out. How do I go about getting a signed copy?

There’s a fierce amount of prepping being done for the Blog Awards at the end of February. Ken asks what advice we’d give to the newbies. Hmm? Get out now…run…

One of the biggest things that’s been going on is 2FM’s destruction of Rick’s radio show. There’s a Facebook group, a good few posts on the subject and even a fancy caricature. Also, check out the book of posts.

Rick and Nikki

Maxi is trying to corrupt the blogosphere even further than he already has. He has teamed up with to offer a monthly award to the author of the filthiest post. If your mind is a cesspit, if you like the smut, if anal fisting is your thing, then maybe you can win a Filthy Butt Fun Award. 😉

B’dum has convinced me to go watch Crimes and Misdemeanors, a Woody Allen flick I have somehow missed.

Twenty came back. I knew the cunt couldn’t stay away.

Oh no! Zaniac has a blister on his thumb!!! He also offers some video blogging tips.

I don’t quite understand what’s going on in Gaza at the moment. I’m not sure anyone does to be honest. Allan seems to have summed it up though:

Caricature Ireland

And in wonderful, wonderful news, Willow has landed on planet Fústar.

Just a snippet of what’s been going on. What else have I missed?

7 responses so far

Jan 19 2009

I’m So Hungry I Could Eat My Phone

Published by under Blog,TV

Burger Phone

Also, I think I need to buy a new side unit – I need the chair.

Burger Phone


Burger Phone



8 responses so far