Oct 08 2008
Published by Darren at 11:43 pm under Blog
Please, please, please, please someone buy me this. It’s on Ebay.
6 responses so far
Done! I’ll bring it over on Friday. Honest.
I’ll put €5k up. All we is five others and we’re there! Anyone takers??
Wow. How much would shipping something like that cost?
Yeah, but I bet the proton packs are an optional extra. They always find a way to screw you.
Plus, I bet it wouldn’t go through the NCT, what with all the radiation from the ghost catching gear.
Crazy ghost catching fools.
@Darragh Cheers! Now I know why we’re friends. It’s for all your money.
@David Brilliant idea. Can I borrow $5,000
@Anto Yeah, that’s the biggest concern here.
@Maxi Proton packs aren’t too dear either.
@Sheepie Hell yeah!
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Done! I’ll bring it over on Friday. Honest.
I’ll put €5k up. All we is five others and we’re there!
Anyone takers??
Wow. How much would shipping something like that cost?
Yeah, but I bet the proton packs are an optional extra. They always find a way to screw you.
Plus, I bet it wouldn’t go through the NCT, what with all the radiation from the ghost catching gear.
Crazy ghost catching fools.
@Darragh Cheers! Now I know why we’re friends. It’s for all your money.
@David Brilliant idea. Can I borrow $5,000
@Anto Yeah, that’s the biggest concern here.
@Maxi Proton packs aren’t too dear either.
@Sheepie Hell yeah!