Oct 21 2008
Apprentice Live Blogging Week 6
AJ over on leCraic has been chronicling the Irish Apprentice and each week we’ve been live blogging the show. AJ kicked it off and then Debz picked up the reigns. The Lovely Lottie (ably assisted by her sidekick, eh, me) did a fine job before passing it over to Gav. We had a lot of fun on Anto‘s blog last night and next week it’s my turn to attack it.
I hope you can join me.
All this apprentice blogging cuts into my “alone time”.
But I’ll sacrifice it.
I am starting to suspect Maxi to be an International spy. Is it Friends, Ironing, Time alone or porn hat it interrupts? Get the lies straight God-dammit.
Thread the needle, Lottie.
I watch Friends, while ironing during my time alone, to organise my week and then when I’ve completed the task I reward myself with a little porn.
So yes, a little like a spy.