Oct 19 2008

This Isn’t Meant To Sound Like I’m Complaining

Published by at 8:08 pm under Blog

Is it any wonder I don’t have any time for blogging. In the past week or so I’ve had a house party, been to the Web Awards, seen dEUS in concert, been to the incredible Duke Special vs Divine Comedy gig, watched copious amounts of The Wire, been to a gallery exhibition and a Codes gig, hopped on a train to Limerick, saw Jack L in concert, spent a weekend with the other family, and sat up chatting with a bunch of teenagers until 4am while watching Fraggle Rock. All of this is coupled with one of busiest and most annoying weeks in work ever. So, it’s not surprising that all I want to do in my spare moments is curl up on the couch and zone out for a few minutes.

Anyway, posts to follow will be about a few gigs, Jack L’s new album, the gallery in Greystones and my thoughts on abandoning my childish ways. I’m also going to try find the video I made of our last trip to New York… Ah, nostalgia. 🙂

8 responses so far

8 Responses to “This Isn’t Meant To Sound Like I’m Complaining”

  1. Marianon 19 Oct 2008 at 9:26 pm

    That is so bizarre, I met my boyfriend in Dolans Warehouse 6 years ago and we were there on Friday night too, getting engaged in the bar! Hope you had a great night in Limerick but seriously if you’re coming to Limerick again you should let me know. We love to make a fuss of visiting bloggers down here 🙂

  2. Bock the Robberon 19 Oct 2008 at 10:28 pm

    Jesus Christ, that’s one busy week. Did you get a chance to save the planet while you were out there?

  3. Yer Manon 19 Oct 2008 at 10:45 pm

    lol Fraggle Rock @ 4am ? sounds like fun .. 😛

  4. B'dum B'dum B'dum B'd-on 20 Oct 2008 at 1:03 am

    “In the past week or so I’ve had a house party, been to the Web Awards, seen the absolutely amazing dEUS in concert, been to the incredible Duke Special vs Divine Comedy gig, watched copious amounts of The Wire, been to a gallery exhibition and a Codes gig, hopped on a train to…”


    I’m doing absolutely nothing until christmas apart from possibly going to a Kevin McAleer show… and I’m meant to be the 24 hour party person of blogland this year!

  5. Darrenon 20 Oct 2008 at 11:03 am

    @Marian Congratulations! That’s fantastic news. It’s such a shame we didn’t meet up. I’ll be down that way again and I’ll keep you informed. I’ll bring Lottie with me next time.

    @Bock No, but I did secure world peace for a brief moment. It seemed very dull though, so I put it back the way it was.

    @YerMan It really was. And where the hell were you during all this? 🙂

    @B’Dum Sort yourself out, Sir. You should be showing the rest of us up. What’s going on?

  6. Lottieon 20 Oct 2008 at 11:44 am

    I have had a similarly busy few weeks so I took the weekend so do ABSOLUTELY nothing and I am probably more tired today than usual. I can’t explain it.

  7. raptureponieson 20 Oct 2008 at 4:24 pm

    You’re like a paris hilton or something…

  8. B'dum B'dum B'dum B'd-on 21 Oct 2008 at 1:07 am

    how do i go about that?

    just noticed it was neil hannon and duke special playing together!
    i thought it was just a double header.

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