Sep 09 2008

Fear Of Flying In Las Vagas

Published by at 8:00 am under Blog

The lads, Anto, Dardar and Paddy, have survived their journey to the US and have begun their epic journey. They immediately hit the air again for an amazing helicopter journey before discovering the strip.

Las Vegas by Helicopter

Follow the guys and their three week journey from Las Vegas to New York on their blog, US All In, assuming they have time to do any blogging.

9 responses so far

9 Responses to “Fear Of Flying In Las Vagas”

  1. Daragh O Brienon 09 Sep 2008 at 9:31 am

    D’Wifey and I did the Vegas helicopter ride out to the grand canyon and back last year. We did the sunset tour.. fly out to Grand Canyon at around 16:00, have a picnic on the floor of the canyon and then fly back to Vegas in time to see the sun setting and the lights coming on on the strip.

    Very CSI. Indeed, the pilot’s iPod soundtrack for the flight suddenly jumped to “Who are you” by d’Who just at that point (it had been Ride of the Valkryies as we were flying in a 9 chopper formation – enjoying the early morning smell of napalm apparently).

    It was somewhat cool. In a decidedly understated way.

  2. Voodooladyon 09 Sep 2008 at 12:29 pm

    So jealous. I spent three weeks driving around California last year and I didn’t want it to end

  3. Darrenon 09 Sep 2008 at 3:49 pm

    @Daragh God, I’d love to do that. Have you got any pics up online?

    @Voodoo We’re hoping to hit New York for a few days in January. We were there a few years back and really didn’t want to come home.

  4. Voodooladyon 09 Sep 2008 at 9:15 pm

    Ooh, I don’t know if you did it before but get tickets to Letterman if you’re there for a few days, it’s well worth it. We applied on a Sunday and got tickets for the Monday evening taping, a very NY experience.

  5. Anthonyon 10 Sep 2008 at 6:27 am

    Thanks for the mention. 🙂 Just threw up some video of the Bellagio Fountains from Sunday night. Amazing stuff.

  6. Lottieon 10 Sep 2008 at 9:45 am

    using you as my guinea pig – Apparently my spamming issue is fixed.

    Lets see…………….

  7. raptureponieson 10 Sep 2008 at 4:34 pm

    Yikes, views like that scare me.. and are cool, but mostly scare me 🙂

  8. Darrenon 11 Sep 2008 at 10:43 am

    @Voodoo That sounds very cool – I’ll look into it.

    @Anto Stop reading my blog and go enjoy your holiday!!!

    @Lottie Apparently!

    @RP Exciting though. I think it’d be scary but very exhilarating.

  9. link7881on 28 Jan 2009 at 4:52 am

    This photo is awesome!!! I envy you… Nice scenery from a helicopter.

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