Apr 29 2008
Sunday’s Child Is…Not In Print
I rarely click onto any of the ads around the sites and blogs I frequent. Sorry to anyone who has google ads as a revenue stream, but I’m afraid I’m not great with the click-throughs. But today I clicked onto an ad for the Irish Times Front Page Sales service (okay, so it was an ad on Shane Hegarty’s blog, so I’m not sure that really counts as advertising).
The service allows you to get a framed printout of the front page of the Irish Times on almost any day. I personally think this would make a great gift for many people. To test it out, I thought I’d check out my birth date. It turns out I was born on a Sunday, and the Irish times is in print Monday to Saturday. A little disappointed, but otherwise unphased, I tried Lottie’s birth date……yep, a Sunday. Argh!
Still, it seems like a good service. I’m sure I’ll get to use it eventually.
I was born on a Thursday AND I love gifts! How’s that for starters?
I was born on a Monday but probably way before the Irish Times was thought of! Maybe even before the printing press was invented.
ah but gm they probably still wrote about you on the cave walls. In very fetching pictograms
I was born on a Sunday also, so won’t be getting this as a Birthday gift :-(.
I think I’ll save this link for a birthday present some time in the future.