Apr 30 2008
I Got My Head Chopped Off
Well, after a year long follicle cultivation project, I finally got a haircut yesterday. Gone are the long, flowing, Celtic, curly locks and in their place is something that resembles a plastic wig you might see on a lego man.
I knew it was a mistake. I liked my long hair, it was the first hair style I ever had that felt like ‘me’, but I stupidly bowed to the pressures of those around me and now I look like Jack Bauer’s wife in the first series of 24. And while it may be cool in some circles to look like a member of the cast of 24, it is never cool for a 26 year old man to look like Jack Bauer’s missus.
I remember I had a teacher in my first or second year of secondary school (I think she tought me Irish or maybe History). She was in her early forties and I remember her as a pleasant woman. I look like her now.
There was a woman who worked in Tesco when I was 16 or 17. She usually worked the day shift but was put onto the night shift one too many times and decided to quit. She ended up working in Xtra Vision (or was it Movie Magic?). Well, I look like her now.
The cut does make me look like one bloke I used to know. He was a few years older than me and not very cool at all. He liked to wear dresses and call himself Barbara. I wonder if he still does!?
Note to self: no more haircuts…ever!
Ohh go and take a picture and put it up for us, only for reasons so that we won’t walk past you in the street without recognising you, it’s not for the reason that we may want to snigger at your ‘girly’ haircut you understand ;-).
Bauer dude, Bauer
“Gone are the long, flowing, Celtic, curly locks and in their place is something that resembles a plastic wig you might see on a lego man”
ROFL!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
@Mary Ain’t no way I’m putting a picture up. In fact, I’m not going to be seen in public for at least three weeks.
@R Thank you for that!
I used to have long hair, only for me I had the opposite experience. My long hair decided that it wanted to kink out at about the shoulder length. I looked like one of the female lego people.
eh picture?
Please post a picture for GM or I’ll sing!
My singing would shatter glass from 100 miles away.
*In the city centre near a big building with gates, camera in hand. Oh yes, yes I am*
Fine! Here: http://www.darrenbyrne.com/?p=103
state of ya